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Vamos Theatre

Steamboat Bill, Jr
1 - 2 Feb
Ockham’s Razor
1 - 2 Feb

Vamos Theatre - Revealing The Mask

Sat 1 - Sun 2 Feb 10.30am - 4pm
Shoreditch Town Hall 
380 Old Street London EC1V 9LT

2 day workshop: £150
(£130 concessions)
For participants 18+

Vamos Theatre, the UK's leading full mask theatre company, is holding a one-off talent development residency as part of this MimeLondon season.

Delivered by Vamos Theatre’s Creative Producer Honor Hoskins, Revealing the Mask is a workshop for everyone, especially actors, performers and theatre practitioners, a creative, high energy and inspiring session that will give participants a thorough introduction to full mask technique. Through exercises and shared exploration, the workshop introduces mask characterisation, mask physicality, and techniques such as clocking, stillness and isolation, helping to build confidence and understanding of mask performance. More advanced full mask skills and a deeper understanding of the form will also be covered, through exploring devising in full mask individually, and as a mask ensemble. 

Vamos Theatre devises and tours accessible, humorous and fearless work which showcases the best in full mask performance. The company is dedicated to making work based on stories of real people, and productions are rooted in true-life experiences and events. At the heart of Vamos Theatre’s ethos is a commitment to working practices that engender genuineness, generosity, respect and consideration of others. 

Established in 2006, Vamos Theatre is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, and is based in Worcester, UK.