Nola Rae
19 - 21 JanJacksons Lane
London Premiere
Fri 19 - Sun 21 Jan
Fri & Sat 8pm, Sun mat 5pmEvent now ended
Runs: 55 mins / no interval
Age Guidance: 12+
£18 / £16
+ £1.95 transaction fee
by phone and online
Tel: 020 8341 4421
After-show discussion:
Sat 20 Jan
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Perhaps you’ve felt lonely. Perhaps you’ve sat at home wondering just when ‘the one’ is going to come along and into your life. Perhaps you’ve even felt lonely enough to don a white dress, hum Mendelssohn’s Wedding March and rehearse the ceremony.
That’s the set-up for Gabriela Muñoz’s wordless show, a heart-wrenching yet hilarious piece that plays with ideas of loneliness, hope, jealousy, and the longing for true romance. In today’s digital age, when everyone is too busy to notice anyone, the chance of real connection seems more than ever elusive. Moving from pathos to sophisticated humour, our protagonist goes through the wedding ritual weekly. Emotionally overwrought in her world of chintz and lace, the act of marriage and lawful companionship excite her. Will she get lucky tonight? In the words of the song… perhaps, perhaps, perhaps…